Quality products - the choice of professionals - available to you.

Personal care products are available from many sources, but the best quality products are those carried at professional establishments like ours. Don't be fooled by imitations and imposters. To ensure you receive a consistent, exceptional quality product, be sure to purchase your goods from authorized salon professionals. Experience the difference by using the fine products we use everyday and make available for purchase by our clients. we can recommend just the right product to meet your needs.

Products & Brands List

American Crew
American Crew product line, the leader in men's grooming, is simple, easy to understand and easy to use. The products have a clean, refreshing masculine scent. All American Crew hair care products are water-based and contain natural conditioning agents such as rosemary, sage, thyme, ginseng and aloe providing gentle, effective therapy to the sensitive, often neglected skin of the scalp.

Because the hair-stylist is the only real hair expert, Framesi has dedicated its lines of professional products to hair-stylists. They are highly reliable for the quality of their formulas, their effectiveness and their aesthetic results. With many different lines of products, Framesi allows specific solutions for each individual customer.

Framesi by
By Framesi-Hair Care Finishing products For bright, voluminous and soft hair, easy to comb, to model and to style. All this and much more to enhance styling and to create and fix customized hairstyles with Framesi finishing line.

It's all about looking good. Kenra products are specially formulated to achieve premium results. Their performance is enhanced when products are used together in overall haircare systems.

No Nothing
No nothing Very Sensitive products contain only the ingredients hair needs. Our products are hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, unscented, paraben-free, colorant-free, gluten-free and soy-free.
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